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Mortgage and Valuation Fraud: Prevention Tips from the Appraisal Institute of Canada

OTTAWA, March 3, 2015 /CNW/ – March is Fraud Prevention Month and the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) would like to remind Canadian consumers, lenders, mortgage brokers, lawyers, appraisers and anyone else relying on an appraisal, to be diligent about potential valuation fraud that may occur during the mortgage financing process. Valuation fraud is the misrepresentation of an appraisal …

Self-employed? How to get a mortgage

Being your own boss can come with a host of perks such as setting your own dress code (read: pajamas), a flexible schedule and a cubicle-less existence. But one financial benefit — tax write-offs — morphs into an ugly disadvantage when self-employed workers try to get a mortgage.

Millions fear missing January’s rent or mortgage payments, says Shelter

Interest rate rise would put many more in trouble, with almost 60% saying they are already struggling to meet housing costs More than 3m households in Britain fear missing their rent or mortgage payments this month, Shelter has said, adding that an interest rate rise would put many more in trouble. Research from the housing and homelessness charity shows that almost 60% of people say they are …