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Mortgage application declined? Don’t despair

What to do when your bank says ‘no deal’ to your mortgage application. Get to grips with the main reasons your mortgage application was declined and what you can do to boost your chances of your loan being approved next time you apply.

Retire with Your Mortgage or Refinance?

If you are age 55 or older and plan to retire in a decade or so, you need to evaluate your retirement funds and your desire to pay off your mortgage before signing that refinance application.

Mortgage Calculator by Quicken Loans

Who knew calculating your mortgage payment could be so easyand dare we say, fun? Calculate, save your favorites and get real time mortgage…

Will low home loan rates lead to lock-ins?

Suppose your mortgage has a low interest rate – lower than you expect to see again. Would you stay put, no matter what, just to keep that low rate? Or would you be willing to sell your home and buy another …